okay. selamat malam peeps.
dah masuk raya ke 5 kan..
haa. so how's raya?
interesting? duit raya byk?
dah bpe rumah hang redah mintak duit raya?
normal sgt.
act aku takde point langsung nk type.
just wanna say.
selamat hari raya .
well sorry kalau entry ku membuat kalian terasa or something.
no offences mean at all.
n thanks fer reading
Thursday, August 23, 2012
hey hey hey.
Posted by nemuru saa at 8:25 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2012
can you see it.?
sometimes fake can be see as real, n sometimes the real one can see be as fake. but at the some point, you can see fake is real one n the real one is completely fake. it may sound complicated n hardly to understand, but that's how this world work. n that's life. full of illusion.
Posted by nemuru saa at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: I'm thinking
Friday, August 17, 2012
18.28. itu yg tertera pada skrin laptop aku.
Posted by nemuru saa at 3:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: I'm thinking
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Segmen Lokman: Saya blogger dari Universiti Selangor
hey guys.
aku baru je join segmen yg dianjurkan oleh Lokman
if you interested, just click on banner above ;)
nah. aku malas nk tag sape2 .
Posted by nemuru saa at 3:29 AM 2 comments
Segmen: Jom Tambah Kenalan Di Hari Raya
oke. I just join it. it look kinda cool :D
kalau berminat boleh la ke blog beliau ;)
Posted by nemuru saa at 3:08 AM 9 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
the writer.
write? why did I'm writing?
to be honest I love writing.
it's begin since I'm in primary school.
I used to have ambition to become novelist.
but till now I can't even produce even one
kelakar? yeah.
actually the reason why I love writing because it's only way to express my feeling n opinion.?
because I'm not a who can express it by word or talk?
so I used this method.
n yaa that's it. how bout ya?
hrm oke. later
Posted by nemuru saa at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: I'm thinking
my hand just writingg.? n I wonder..
what's time now?
3.11 am.
my my.
what should I do now.?
maybe sleeping.?
seriously I've no point@idea to write anything
what should I do?
what's normal people will do in the time like this.?
of course sleeping.
even budak tadika know that.
but it's too bad coz I'm not that kind of normal.
but come to think back,
normal or not.
it doesn't make any different at all.
human are human.
human are equal.
there's no such as thing that are some people are superior than other .
oke. what's human?
what's reason of human existence?
what's reason human live on this beautiful planet?
what's the reason we are given life by Allah s.w.t ?
many people looking for the answer for that question.
but when they found it, they just blind it.
pretending that there never found the answer.
n say. "still don't found the answer"
act they are afraid of the answer coz the answer is completely gonna changes they life.
n change it wasn't easy like a b c.
yeah I know it.
but we have to move on.
time will never wait for us.
we donno when will our time will runout.
even it gonna be very long n pain road but we have to go on..
back to fitrah.
as a muslim.
okay. we take mualaf as example. a person who convert to become.
that wasn't easy thing to do.
decision that gonna changes a whole life.
it take courage to make decision like that.
n they made it .
sometimes it's funny when I see the mualaf are look more muslim than muslim that's born with islam.
pathetic ?
haih. that's fact.
even myself include in that group.
if the mualaf can made it.
they are thousand times better than us.
then what's our excuse?
let's move on.
be the better muslim.
reminder for myself n for the dearest friend n reader.
thanks for spending your time reading this.
if you find there's something wrong bout my entry, just lemme know, will ya?
best of luck. in searching for answer. ?
oke then.
May Allah bless you.
Posted by nemuru saa at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: I'm thinking
Monday, August 13, 2012
5.28 p.m.
that's what clock in my room tell me.
two hour before maghrib..
my stomach is starting to have some 'concerto'
my my.
what should I do..
buying some kueh at bazar?
I don't see it as good idea.
there's still of food in the kitchen..
surely buying some is not necessary .
eh wait.
it's already 5.40 p.m.
better get going.
wanna watch "hidangan barakah" on tv-alhijrah
seeing some food can restored a little bit energy. maybe? xD
Posted by nemuru saa at 2:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: bosan, buang masa, sengal
Saturday, August 11, 2012
what you can describe about beauty?
can somebody describe about it?
well well. bak kata matlufti.
bukan semua cantik subjektif
hrm. korang mesti pelik kenapa tiba2 aku cakap pasal cantik ni?
jumpa awek lawa semalam?
I wish I could say that. but it's too bad, bcoz I'm not ! T_T
that's not the point.
actually pagi tadi, around 6.30 am camtu,
mak aku suruh aku buang sampah kt tong sampah besar tuu kat luar.
dengan malas n berat kakinya aku pun kuar p buang sisa terbuang.
time aku kuar tu aku terpandang langit.
guess what?
nahh. kolot. bulan puasa mana ada hantu kak oii..
actually aku nampak bulan n bintang.
only one word enough to describe it.
bulat sabit . n there's few shining star dekat dengan bulan.
satu betul2 dekat dgn bulan, n satu lagi jauh sikit.
seriously lawa, n yeah. I donno how to describe it.
but that's not all.
lepas buang sampah, aku duduk lepak depan rumah sambil tgk bulan tu. #wellmemanghobiakucamni#
dan aku sedar something.
warna langit.
it's look like have a layer.
blue n purple n crimson maybe.
seriously lawa.
time mula biru tu tak ketara, tp bila langit makin cerah, biru tu start ganti warna purple.
I wish I could snap that beauty scenery . lukisan alam.
something yang kita jarang nampak.
or maybe lepas ni aku patut buang habit tidur lepas subuh. ?
baru boleh tgk ni tiap2 hari?
maybe korang pun patut ikut sama? :D
act point aku kat sini, aku sebenarnya suka giler tgk benda tu td.
pernah tak korang fikir bintang yg sekecil titik di langit tu act besar mana?
according to science book, perhaps it could big thousand size of the sun.
n there's a thousand of it.
in this galaxy.
not include the other galaxy.
It surely make us look so tiny.
don't you think.?
manusia memang kecik.
termelencong kejap. sorry?
setiap kali aku tgk bintang ni, aku akan terasa awesome giler.
beauty of the world.
star n moon.
sky n sun?
semua ni cantik.
itu tak termasuk segala yg berada di bumi
gunung ganang.
Grand Canyon. lawa kan? wish I could visit this place someday .
there's a lot of beauty place n scenery .
segalanya ciptaanNya.
semua cantik!
apa kata kita ambil masa few minute utk menghayati keindahan alam n kebesaran Pencipta kita ?
oke. maybe that's the point? :)
k la. sorry sebab cara penyampaian n my word maybe a little bit bored.
n mix-language. sorry bout that! dah jadi macam habit cmni. hehe
oke la daa ;)
Posted by nemuru saa at 10:59 PM 2 comments
petang yg gelap.
Di petang ni mari kita sama2 berkarok utk menghibur hati duka yg lara! ;p
lebih muda dari ku
harap bosan menuggu
comment mu ku tunggu
bukan maksudku mendiam
tiada idea nak berblogging
hakikatnya rindu yg mendalam
entry ni kan membantu
hari esok siapa yg tahu
kata reader dengar sahaja
cerita hanya kita berdua
petang yg gelap, kini sini malam,
aku bloggermu
dan engkau reader
aku amat merindui kamuu.
haha. sila nyanyi dengan rentak lagu "pagi yg gelap" by Hujan ;p
*aku ada gaya cam Noh hujan tak ? btw ignored bro peace kt sebelah ! hahaha*
oke la. dadaaa~
Posted by nemuru saa at 3:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: buang masa, merepek, sengal, sing n sang
sorry. maaf ?
oh tidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakk.
Posted by nemuru saa at 2:45 AM 2 comments
Friday, August 10, 2012
4.03 am.
morning peeps!
Posted by nemuru saa at 1:17 PM 1 comments
Labels: another day, buang masa, merepek, sengal
Segmen "Syoknya Blogwalking bersama Aisyah Humaira"
haa. selamat malam.
n maybe selamat tgh hari bg mereka yg berada d US :P
okay. mari kita same2 join
"Syoknya Blogwalking bersama Aisyah Humaira"
utk pengetahuan anda (bg mereka yg belum tahu. yg dah tahu diam2)
blogwalking adalah satu aktiviti melawat blog ke blog.
well mcm time raya la, kita jalan2 p rumah sedara mara .
lebih kurang camtu la !
i just join it.
it surely look cool. :D
jom la join sekali!
for more information click link above
thanks! :D
Posted by nemuru saa at 12:44 PM 15 comments
Thursday, August 9, 2012
10 day left
today .
10 August 2012 @ 20 Ramadhan 1433 Hijrah.
sedar tak sedar dah masuk 20 hari puasa .
cepat kan masa berlalu?
Ramadhan yg penuh keberkatan ni nampaknya akan melabuhkan tirai dalam masa 10 hari.
rasa sayang tak?
seriously rasa rugi.
bila fikir balik 20 hari yg lepas aku rasa mcm dah sia2 kan je Ramadhan.
Ramadhan.. satu tawaran besar yg diberi oleh Pencipta kita semua..
tawaran utk merebut pahala yg betimbun2 byk..
It remind me of my childhood.
about ten years ago maybe.
during my fresh year.
I used to read komik 'Anak-anak Sidek'
story pasal sifu Lee Chong Wei punya sifu n adik beradik sidek yg lain mcm kecil!
korang tau?
budak yg sezaman dgn aku tahu la. ;D
well, ada satu volume tu, kt page last sekali ada satu column yg story bout pahala2 during Ramadhan,
from the first till very then end of month.
every single day, single night.
n most important.
Lailatul Qadar, A night that's better than a thousand night.
I was so excited after read that.
lepas tu aku start semangat buat terawih sampai habis.
even myself hard to believe ! ;p
time aku rasa mcm "wow. tak sangka pahala byk mcm ni n boleh cover dosa balik? "
n that's the reason I doing that ! hehe
but it's too bad that's my old me.
I wish I could have that feeling again..
sekarang ni nk terawih sampai habis berat giler.
memanjang 8 je.
kenapa aku takde feel cam dulu?
perhaps sebab hati aku dah gelap.
kan org dulu2 kata hati budak kecik suci, tak ada dosa.
tu yg mudah lekat dgn ni..
sekarang ? hati dh gelap. dosa bertimbun
time dulu2 aku terfikir,
kenapa ramai org malas sgt nk terawih sampai habis.?
sedangkan pahala berganda kot.
mcm rugi je.
8 dgn 21? berganda kot.
solat kejap je.
n I was thinking, diorg tak sedar sebab pahala ni diorg tak nmpk depan mata.
andai kata pahala ni boleh nampak depan mata mcm duit dalam dompet,
aku percaya masjid full.
*sekali lg aku susah nk percaya ni yg aku fikir dulu*
tapi tuh la. sekarang aku pun dah tergolong dari golongan yg rugi ni.
sadis kn?
I really wish I had that feeling again.
hermm I guess tu je la kot.
thanks for reading this post.
n sorry for using mix-language. aku suka tulis mcm ni, best ;D
good luck ye utk beberapa hari Ramadhan yg tinggal ni.
semoga tulang kita yg berat ni di ringan2 kan :D *okayygniperingatankhasutkaku*
selamat beribadah.
have a nice day reader ;)
Posted by nemuru saa at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
kome baru nak g kerja?
7.13 am. aku rasa time ni semua org tgh siap2 nak g kerja.
Posted by nemuru saa at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 4, 2012
kau ke si polan yg aku kenal dulu?
Posted by nemuru saa at 4:58 PM 0 comments