Saturday, August 11, 2012




what you can describe about beauty?

can somebody describe about it?

well well. bak kata matlufti.

bukan semua cantik subjektif

hrm. korang mesti pelik kenapa tiba2 aku cakap pasal cantik ni?

jumpa awek lawa semalam?


I wish I could say that. but it's too bad, bcoz I'm not ! T_T


that's not the point.

actually pagi tadi, around 6.30 am camtu,

mak aku suruh aku buang sampah kt tong sampah besar tuu kat luar.

dengan malas n berat kakinya aku pun kuar p buang sisa terbuang.

time aku kuar tu aku terpandang langit.

guess what?


nahh. kolot. bulan puasa mana ada hantu kak oii..

actually aku nampak bulan n bintang.

only one word enough to describe it.


bulat sabit . n there's few shining star dekat dengan bulan.

satu betul2 dekat dgn bulan, n satu lagi jauh sikit.

seriously lawa, n yeah. I donno how to describe it.

but that's not all.

lepas buang sampah, aku duduk lepak depan rumah sambil tgk bulan tu. #wellmemanghobiakucamni#

dan aku sedar something.

warna langit.

it's look like have a layer.

blue n purple n crimson maybe.

seriously lawa.

time mula biru tu tak ketara, tp bila langit makin cerah, biru tu start ganti warna purple.

I wish I could snap that beauty scenery . lukisan alam.

something yang kita jarang nampak.

or maybe lepas ni aku patut buang habit tidur lepas subuh. ?

baru boleh tgk ni tiap2 hari?

maybe korang pun patut ikut sama? :D

act point aku kat sini, aku sebenarnya suka giler tgk benda tu td.

pernah tak korang fikir bintang yg sekecil titik di langit tu act besar mana?

according to science book, perhaps it could big thousand size of the sun.

n there's a thousand of it.

in this galaxy.

not include the other galaxy.

It surely make us look so tiny.

don't you think.?

manusia memang kecik.


termelencong kejap. sorry?

setiap kali aku tgk bintang ni, aku akan terasa awesome giler.

beauty of the world.

star n moon.

sky n sun?

semua ni cantik.

itu tak termasuk segala yg berada di bumi

gunung ganang.

Grand Canyon. lawa kan? wish I could visit this place someday .



there's a lot of beauty place n scenery .

segalanya ciptaanNya.

semua cantik!


apa kata kita ambil masa few minute utk menghayati keindahan alam n kebesaran Pencipta kita ?

oke. maybe that's the point? :)

k la. sorry sebab cara  penyampaian n my word maybe a little bit bored.

n mix-language. sorry bout that! dah jadi macam habit cmni. hehe

oke la daa ;)